There are several "scanner apps" available for Android and iPhone. If you already have one installed, you should be able to find our feed as shown in the image. We stream to Broadcastify and mostly all of these apps carry their feeds.
If you are looking for an app, one that I have found to be really good is called Scanner Radio. They have a free and a pro version. Just search your Google Play Store or the Apple Apps Store for Scanner Radio. Since they stream broadcasts in stereo, this app lets you use a slider to listen one channel over another. The 147.505 is in the left channel and the 442.500 is in the right channel.
Woodbridge, CT
Current Status: ONLINE
Woodbridge, CT
Current Status: ONLINE
Northford, CT
Current Status: ONLINE
Woodbridge, CT
Current Status: ONLINE
*Sometimes a PL of 77 or DPL of 073 is used.
Please note, there are several 1 meg split repeaters in Connecticut. When choosing a 2 meter simplex frequency, please steer clear of 146.490-146.520, as this is right in the area of the 147.505 repeater input. 146.520 is, of course, the national CALLING frequency. It is intended to make a contact and move off to another frequency. Extended use of this frequency near one of the repeater receivers, could interfere with the repeater. It's not a perfect situation but this is how the coordinators set it up at the time.
These 2 meter simplex frequencies are a good starting point if you want to reduce your risk of causing interference: