Welcome to the Shore Point Amateur Radio Club W1SPC
Put a little SPARC in your life!
Put a little SPARC in your life!
This South Central Connecticut area amateur radio club offers four repeaters, two with EchoLink and IRLP. Members enjoy weekly breakfast get togethers. We sponsor several weekly nets on the Club repeaters where any amateur operator is welcome. We also assist with volunteer events, such as walk-a-thons throughout the year.
Newly licensed hams or those just new to the SPARC repeaters are always welcome!
On July 17, 2025, the Shore Point Amateur Radio Club will turn 30 years old!
While K1SOX had purchased the 505 repeater months earlier and the old club WHARA was re-activated in June 1995, the name SPARC was voted on at the following meeting in July.
We are working on setting up an outdoor BBQ type of event on Saturday, July 19th. July 20th would be the rain date.
Hopefully we can get some older founding members to attend as well as some newer folks!
We will be discussing this at the next SPARC meeting!
The next SPARC meeting is April 14, 2025.
SPARC normally meets on the second Monday of April and September at 7:00 P.M. We meet at the Twin Pines Diner at 34 Main Street, East Haven. Check back for updates! Talk-in is the 442.500 repeater.
The meetings are open to all!
The original is back online and working. The new amplifier has an oscillation issue and is being sent back.
Any updates with be posted.
W1MHz is looking for interested ham operators to restart the simplex net. This is a great opportunity to check your station's range and make improvements!
The net is on our Club Simplex frequency of 145.505 and the nets will be held on Thursdays at 8 PM. Check it out!
There are many Club expenses, if you use the SPARC repeaters, please consider a donation.
Please go to the INFO / DONATION section of this site. You can use a credit card, PayPal or mail a check.
Thank you!
This video was recently found on an old VHS tape that K1SOX had and forgotten about. Time travel back to Eels Hill almost 30 years ago.
Saturday Mornings at 9:30!
Brenda, KW1YL runs the breakfast net for those not attending the actual Club breakfast. Please check in on the 442.500 on Saturday mornings at 9:30 for the SPARC Breakfast Net.
Thank you to all that volunteered and to WARA for their assistance.
Check the media section for pictures!
Take a look at what the SPARC website looked like in 2007 and in the 90s!
This website and a Club email service were maintained at K1SOX's house on several servers. Here is the link - Wayback Machine (archive.org)
By the way, our original domain was sparcweb.net and prior to that, we were a subdomain on QSL.net - qsl.net/sparc. Here is a look at what the site look like back in the 90s - Shore Point Amateur Radio Club (archive.org). A lot of the graphics are missing, but you get the idea. Very simplistic by today's standards.
SPARC's website first went live on March 8, 1998.
Check out the KW1MH Net on Tuesdays at 6 PM on the 147.505.
Your net control is Brenda, KW1YL. She will be running the net from the MakeHaven Underground Radio Group's station. This net is open to all amateurs.
You can listen to the 147.505 and 442.500 from your phone or the web!
You can download a free app for your Android or iPhone to listen to either repeater live, or you can listen right from this webpage. Click the Repeaters - Live Audio link in the menu for more info!
Currently, there are no "in person" breakfasts. In the past, we have had these gatherings on Saturdays mornings. If any club members wish to start this up again, lets us know!
Week 1 - Brenda KW1YL
Week 2 - Brian K1SOX
Week 3 - James AB1DQ
Week 4 - Bob WA1RAB
Week 5 - Craig W1MHz
If we get any others who would like to run the net to give the regulars a night off, please email nets at sparc.us! Thank you and looking forward to hearing you on the net!
There are currently no Weather or SKYWARN Nets scheduled, however SPARC repeaters are available for these purposes.
SPARC has had a Facebook page for several years but it seems some members are unaware of it. Although, you can always get the latest news here on our website, sparc.us, the Facebook page allows members to interact by posting and replying. Also some posts might not be "Club News" but something you would like to share with the other members. Members' posts will be in the Community section. Please check it out, like and follow the page. Just remember - facebook.com slash followed by our Club callsign!